When You've Been Broken

This Painting entitled "When You've Been Broken"
is the artwork of Rik Berry,
an artist from Brush of The Wind Gallery.
It is not to be copied without his permission.

Song:"Tears of Gold" by Bruce Deboer.

Do Christians suffer? They surely do! Do they suffer because of sin? Sometimes, but not always. Why do the innocent suffer? If God is Love, why would He hurt His children? Why would God make the sinless suffer? Many questions like these fill the minds of christian and non-christian alike. It is not a new question, nor will the question ever cease. Suffering is a topic that grips all of us at some time in our life.

The following will be an attempt to share some of the opinions of others as well as what Scripture tells us, and also some of my own thoughts. Whether a small child weeps over the loss of a puppy, or a strong young man is brought to public disgrace, or a loving couple who have shared 50 wonderful years of marriage has to watch a spouse lapse into sickness and die, the suffering brings pain and the question of "why?"

I believe we need to go to the basics of Christian belief about the One God sent into the world to save all, and bring them into eternal life. Jesus, the Son of God, suffered. He was a God/Man, sinless in every way, and he spent his life in obedience, and yet He was not immune from pain. It is true, some people seem to lead a charmed life, free of worry or trouble. And these are the ones we envy, when our own lives seem so full of pain and confusion.

But we, who are christians, are to keep our focus on Jesus. We should seek to live as He lived. And those who are not yet committed to the christian faith, are also created by God, so I think they too are subject to the same life experiences. Suffering falls on us, just as blessings do, by the Will of God, who created all things. It is not in our power, as mortals, to be in control of these things.

The only thing we can do, when we walk through this life, is try to use our experiences to gain something from them. For some it is a time for learning, growing in patience, or becoming more aware of humility. For those around us, it is an oppertunity to become merciful, to do acts of kindness toward us. Sometimes our suffering can bring great spiritual rewards to those who come to our aid and comfort.

To help those who suffer alone, I have placed here a message board, so that you may find solace in shared experiences. Please use it in the spirit of love and kindness, and refrain from any harsh judgements or disagreements about personal beliefs. Those who are hurting need uplifting, reassurance, and mutual support.
Angelandpups Message Board

Suffering Message Board
Welcome to Angelandpups's message board, the topic is Suffering.