The Agony of Christ

Imagine, if you will, Our Lord Jesus, feeling the culmination of his minstry on earth nearing.He had come to save us, to bring the "Good News" of salvation. But the Message of the promise of Eternal Life had not been grasped by nearly enough people. Jesus, our shephard had not wanted to lose even one soul. This knowledge, that he had not gotten through to all men, or that they had heard him with doubting hearts hurt him.

Jesus and his apostles were ending their day, and as they started to settle in around the spot were they'd spend the night, Jesus asked them "will you wait with me one hour?" Meaning, he wanted them to stay awake as he went into the garden alone, to pray. Maybe, he hoped that they would be agreeing with him as he prayed? Or maybe he hoped that they would be "watching" for what he knew was coming soon? But whatever it was he was speaking of, let us enter into the "garden" and spend that hour with Jesus.

The cool stillness of dusk was a relief after the heat and work of the day ending. The dust of that days journey still clung to the hem of his clothes. His body was weary, and his thoughts were heavy, but the importance of them required Jesus' total attention. As he knelt by a large stone to pray, he settled heavily with fatigue. This would not, however, deter him in anyway from giving his whole self to this meeting with his Father.

Coming to a still place, alone with God, was where he needed to be. Where he felt that he could find his strength and resolve, and the inspiration to go on. Bowing his face, closing his eyes, breathing slowly....our Lord calmed himself, to release the physical cares and enter the spiritual side of his nature. To commune with His Father... to embrace Him and be embraced.

A long sigh probably escaped from him as he brought to mind the things that needed to be brought before The Father. Judas had betrayed him, and as Jesus and his disciples had gathered for the Last Supper that betrayal had been fortold just before He shared the news of a more important nature. Revealing that He was about to leave them, and that they should recall his words the breaking of the bread, and the drinking of the fruit of the vine, he said "This is my body which is given up for you" he broke the bread and passed it amoung them "this do in remeberence of me." Then lifting the cup he told them "this cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you."

Jesus knew not all that he had shared with his disciples was fully understood,but this was not his biggest sorrow. At this mount of Olives, now, his heart swelled with the knowledge of what was ahead of him. He knew the things to come, he realized what he would be made to give for the rest of mankind's sins, in order that they might be saved. And he felt the moment of wanting to be spared, asking "Father, if Thou be willing,remove this cup from me;" but in resignation he added "not my will, but Thine be done."

With this surrender, an angel appeared to strengthen Jesus, and he began to pray even more earnestly for the Father's Will to be done. He prayed with such power that he began to sweat as though bleeding drops of blood. We can only assume that this prayer lasted for about an hour, unless the account of what happened next is merely symbolic. When Jesus rose from prayer and rejoined the deciples he found them sleeping and asked them why they slept. Wondering why they could not stay awake and pray for an hour with him.

"Could you not watch one hour with Me?"
Holy Hour Of Reparation
This prayertime can be said in the presence of the Holy Eucharist, in a Catholic Church, or in a special chapel some Catholic Churches build, called an Adoration Chapel. We believe in the actual pressence of Jesus, in the Eucharist (bread of Communion). It can also be said at home, if you do not have access to these places, yet still want to share in this devotion.
ENTER: Into An Hour of Prayer with Jesus....