I am truelly indebted to both the talented composer of original midi music, Bruce Deboer, and the wonderful artistry of Danny Hahlbohm. Please do not repay their generosity by infringing on their copyrighted material.

Song Title "Heard From Afar"by Bruce Deboer

"Nothing Is Impossible With Jesus"
This artwork is copyrighted and belongs soley to Danny Hahlbohm. Do not copy it!

In this place of healing thoughts, sounds, and sights, try to remember that Jesus has told us "Nothing is impossible." So come now, with your cares and burdens, and bring them with you into a spiritual place where you can leave them at the feet of One who could walk on the water, heal the sick, raise the dead, and move the mountains! It does not take a great amount of faith to have a miracle happen in your life, all that you need is faith the size of a "mustard seed!"

In my own brokeness I have been compelled to seek a "Healing Place" for my body/mind/& soul to reside....at times of fear, doubt,hurt, or anger....at times of illness...when I need "answers." And especially when I need to refresh and re-connect my soul more closely to it's Creator, Our Father in Heaven. I am like a pitcher of water...if I run too fast...hurrying here and there...some water splashes out and I get "emptied." If I get real angry and blowup...or get hurt and crash...I may "break" and lose all of my "water." Of course, the water is just an analogy for being filled with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I am not one to mince words when I come before "my God," although I should probably be more meek and prayerful...I honestly do reverence Him. It's just that I figured it out as a child... there is no use trying to cover-up your true emotions with the One who knows everything...the One from whom nothing is a secret. If I am angry...if I am "fed-up" or very frightened...or doubtful, what good does is do to "act" as is I have a false confidence or forgiveness in me? I would much rather be "honest" admitting my shortcomings...and then ask for help with the problem, as well as my attitude. This is not my recommendation to anyone else...it's just where I stand with my maker, from way back.

In any case...if you are feeling a need of "peace" and "closeness" with your spiritual feelings, and want to try to come into closer proximity to the Blessed Trinity, Father, Son & Holy Spirit... you are welcomed to walk with me "along the road" and maybe we can encounter our Savior...hear his words in answer to our questions...or just feel uplifted by knowing He walks with us...and loves us. Our Father God watches over us...He loves us...he desires to help us...or why would he send us Jesus, His most beloved Son. And after Jesus, the Holy Spirit, to help us gain Wisdom. And we are so priveleged to each possess our own Guardian Angel! So if you came here, feeling "alone" you now have all of "these" with you....and my company, also. And I am sure that we walk in the footsteps of the saints who walked this path ages ago...or even more recently?

Let us walk on...